This research paper focuses on the relation between mental health and Black Canadians. We discuss how factors including structural barriers, financial barriers, and a lack of diverse and culturally competent health providers, act as stressors and leave Black people in a state of crisis. These barriers prevent Black individuals from accessing mental health services. They create mistrust in and discourage them from seeking support. They also endanger them as their wellbeing may worsen until their conditions become critical and need urgent care.

Some of the suggestions we discuss in the paper include: raising awareness and education on mental health and illness; the inclusion of Black communities in the development of trainings, programs and health services; financial support for individuals to help them meet their needs, and the inclusion of mental health services in the universal healthcare system. Lastly, the integration of a diverse and culturally competent workforce, and the creation of healing spaces such as the BHC.

Note: The research paper is currently only available in English.


The Role of Safe Spaces in Healing and Liberating Marginalized Communities